1. Encourage the towing industry to prioritize safety.
2. Branding APTRA as the authoritative voice for the Arizona industry.
3. Providing solid leadership in the industry.
4. Maximizing human and financial resources to achieve our purpose.
APTRA has worked on opening the communication lines between the Department of Public Safety and APTRA. This has allowed APTRA to review the cost increases facing our industry and future negotiations on rates, traffic incident management implementations for our industry, and provided financial assistance in the form of a donation to the Arizona Auto Theft Task Force RATTLERS program for supporting their stolen vehicle recovery division.
We have also established a great working relationship with the Arizona Department of Transportation. APTRA has been involved with ADOT assisting them with their Push, Pull or Drag implementation around the state as well as meetings with ADOT MVD twice a year and inviting the to speak at our quarterly meetings.
For the last few years, we have held four meetings across the state to seek input and share ideas with our members. Our board of directors meets (4) times a year to focus directly on achieving our goals and working together to move the statewide industry association forward.
APTRA has established great benefit programs, ranging from a fuel program, environmental services, tow truck insurance, towing accessories, truck sales, workers compensation, finance companies, credit card processing, tire programs, and medical insurance just to name a few.
We will continue to work to bring value to your membership!
Join us today-working professionals.